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  • Project profile


    Gain access to the hidden profit of your wind farm via our WINDcenter services

    The WINDcenter reduces the Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE) of wind farms by minimizing O&M costs. We achieve that goal by applying intelligent SCADA and CMS data analysis to identify failures long before they cause any damages and downtime.

    Moreover, the WINDcenter increases wind farm revenues by detecting underperformance and by recommending remediation measures to improve sub-optimal process parameters.

    Even if your wind farm has been optimized in the traditional way, WINDcenter empowers you to gain additional revenues by the application of our broad range of services.

    Our service portfolio…

    • is modular, which means we offer solutions which are tailor-made to our customers’ needs.
    • comprises qualified data analysis, so that warnings and alarms are generated only when they are relevant.
    • performs early detection of creeping process changes as well as of instantaneous deviations.
    • includes a comprehensive Root Cause Analysis (RCA) whenever a relevant alarm is generated.
    • encompasses a detailed non-availability allocation analysis.
    • delivers regular and extraordinary detailed reports on your wind farm‘s performance.

    …brings you remarkable benefits:

    • Avoidance of unnecessary damages and downtime
    • Plannability of maintenance measures to take advantage of periods of weak wind
    • Detection of and recommendations to remediate wind turbine underperformance

    For more information on WINDcenters services, please contact us.